
  • 2018 2. International Price Leonardo da Vinci, Florenz
    2017 Segnalati Berlin, The best Modern and Contemporary Artists
    2017 International Award Dante Alighieri, Peschiera del Garda
    2016 The best Modern and Contemporary Artists, Wien
    2016 International Prize Colosseo, Rom
    2016 Canaletto Prize, Artistic Career Award, Mira
    2016 International Prize Tiepolo – Arte Milano, Mailand
    2016 Leonardo da Vinci - International Prize, Florence
    2015 Artists at the Castle - International Prize, Nerola - Rom
    2015 Michelangelo Prize - International Prize, Rom
    2015 Marco Polo International Prize, Venedig
    2015 Award Mazzullo, Taormina, Sizilien
    2015 Roma Imperiale, Rom
    2015 Guglielmo II Award, Monreale, Sizilien
    2014 Trinacria Award, Sizilien
    2014 Shakespeare Award, Verona
    2010 - „Haus Rissen Hamburg"
    2006 - „Balinesische Impressionen", Bali/ Indonesien
    1996 - „Bornholmer Bilder", Bornholm/ Dänemark

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