Landscapes of the soul. Confessions of the psyche. Worlds that reside inside a creative mind. Angelika Kahl is an artist capable of narrating, through the elegance and harmony of her stroke, and the wise use of chromatic variables, the beauty of the world we live in. A world in which man is the victim of his own choices; a world where the injustice of man prevails.
Through what I would call "new heavenly visions", Kahl discloses an underworld, raising the awareness of the viewer through her pictorial sensibility. You will certainly find Kahl among the big interpreters of a figurative painting able to convey strong feelings, as the ones disclosed in the "Tables of the Law".
With significant harmony the artist explores the beauty of everyday life.
A daily life made of enchanting landscapes; a daily life in which we find unspoiled spaces and sublime architecture; a daily life that we all live and re-live across Angelika's expressions on canvas. By her elegant stroke, Kahl reminds me of some of the more significant paintings of Sandro Botticelli. The sea and its silence has often become the subject of analysis for the artist. A silent sea which accompanies the human being on his journey.
The sea with its mysterious infinities and charming stories. The sea that in the paintings of Kahl becomes the authentic witness of divine beauty. Kahl is an artist who whispers her thoughts and she does so through a pictorial language of high critical interest. The world of art has lost its leading figures; a world of art that appears increasingly influenced by market choices. A world of art where the beauty is accused of heresy and "the ugly" and the insignificant is more and more promoted.
Against this world of art you must fight; against this kind of art world Angelika Kahl fights every day and she does so by the means of painting that has got in its sublime beauty its real essence. An art that can charm the viewer with its visual melodies. An art intended to go down in history.
Salvatore Russo
Rom 25. September 2014
Dr. Salvatore Russo
Kunstkritiker und Kurator,